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We have a selection of American, British and local (english language) magazines.

Magazine Search

Magazine Reservation Service

Our Magazines Teams in Amsterdam and The Hague are responsible for ordering magazines.
It is possible to collect your reservation in Leidschendam (managed by our team in The Hague)

  • we prefer monthly reservations but one-off reservations may be possible for special publications
  • magazines are reserved in order of reservation date
  • they can be reserved for 2 weeks
  • reservations can be sent to you, these shipping costs apply

To make a reservation send our Magazine Team an email and they will get back to you regarding availability.
Amsterdam mags@abc.nl
The Hague dhmagazines@abc.nl (also for reservations in Leidschendam)

Distribution and Availability

  • reservations depend on what we receive from the distributor
  • the arrival of a magazine cannot be guaranteed
  • we may not receive enough copies
  • issues may be skipped, magazines discontinued (ceased) or become digital only

This means that customers may miss editions or have their reservation canceled.

Recent magazine arrivals in Amsterdam

Recent magazine arrivals in The Hague